Source code to pdf

TL;DR concatenate all the files into one gigantic file, apply syntax highlighting and convert to html using pygmentize. Convert the html file to pdf using wkhtmltopdf.

It does not happen very often, but once in a while some of my clients want their code in pdf format and every time I search the web and piece together a bunch of bash commands and then completely forget it the next time I need it. So, this time I decided to document it here, mostly for myself, but hopefully it will useful for others as well. So here it goes!

The idea is to use pygments to do the syntax highlighting and create an html file and then create a pdf file from the result.

# I used it for Go files, but pygments supports a large number of programming languages.
find project_dir -type f -name "*.go"  -exec echo {} >> file_list \;
# Now that we have the list of files, need to add separators and concatenate them all
cat file_list | sed 's/\(.*\)/echo "#-----------------------NEW FILE--------------------------- \1" >> single_file.go \&\& cat \1 >> single_file.go \&\& echo "" >> single_file.go/g' >
# Convert to html and then to pdf
pygmentize -l go -f html -O full,style=emacs single_file.go > single_file.html && wkhtmltopdf single_file.html single_file.pdf
ls single_file.pdf
